Taqwim Al-Ummah: The official Hijri calendar for South Africa, meticulously crafted in accordance with Quranic principles and authentic Hadith. This calendar, grounded in rigorous scholarship and astronomical precision, offers a definitive guide for Islamic observances, fostering unity and clarity within the South African Muslim community. Embrace a calendar rooted in divine guidance and scholarly consensus, ensuring your worship aligns with the true celestial rhythms. -Whalid Safodien
Taqwim Al-Ummah (تقويم الأمة) "Taqwimul-Umati
"The Quran, a masterpiece of divine revelation, guides us toward the path of unity and synchronization. As we ponder the wisdom of Surah Ar-Rahman, verse 5, we are reminded:
"The sun and the moon follow courses (exactly) computed." (Quran 55:5)
"This verse serves as a profound reminder of the celestial rhythms that govern our universe. The sun and the moon, two celestial bodies that have captivated human imagination since time immemorial, move in perfect harmony, their orbits computed with precision and accuracy.
"As we reflect on the wisdom of this verse, we are drawn to the realization that the universe is governed by a divine order, a order that is both beautiful and precise. The sun and the moon, two seemingly disparate entities, are, in fact, part of a larger cosmic harmony, a harmony that is reflected in the unity and synchronization of the global Muslim community.
"The Hadith narrations, entrusted to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), underscore the significance of lunar observation. As we synchronize our calendars with the Taqwim Al-Ummah, we acknowledge the profound importance of unity and cohesion within the global Muslim community.
"The Arabian Peninsula, situated in the Northern Hemisphere, serves as the epicenter for lunar observations, guiding the Ummah toward a harmonized calendar. This synchronization transcends geographical boundaries, as the sighting of the moon in Saudi Arabia resonates with the Southern Hemisphere, including South Africa.
"As we attune ourselves to the Taqwim Al-Ummah, we honor the wisdom of Allah's creation, where the Masjid Al-Haram and Masjid Al-Aqsa serve as sacred anchors, guiding humanity toward the path of righteousness.
"Let us ponder the profound implications of this verse, as we strive to embody the values of unity, synchronization, and devotion. As we do so, we become part of a larger community of believers, united in our pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, and spiritual growth."
"The Incontrovertible Decree of the Divine
"The Incontrovertible Decree of the Divine: 'And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allah, and be not divided among yourselves' (Quran 3:103) - Can any testimony credibly refute the empirically verified, astronomically grounded, and scripturally endorsed principle of universal moon sighting applicability, as exemplified by the Prophet's (Peace be upon Him) acceptance of testimony from any Muslim, regardless of geographical location, particularly in the Arabian Peninsula, the sacred land of Revelation?" -Whalid Safodien
Transcending Boundaries: The Validity of Moon Sighting Testimony
The hadith narrated by AbuUmayr ibn Anas highlights the significance of moon sighting in Islam. The Prophet's (ﷺ) acceptance of testimon...
The hadith narrated by AbuUmayr ibn Anas highlights the significance of moon sighting in Islam. The Prophet's (ﷺ) acceptance of testimon...
The cosmos, a grand theatre of divine artistry, whispers a timeless message: unity. From the smallest atom to the largest galaxy, a harmoni...